New year, new updates
Welcoming in 2025, new staff, and more options!
Howdy all! A belated Happy 2025 to everyone.
First, a giant thank you to everyone for support in 2024. It was not my best year, but I'm fully back from a holiday break and ready to knock it out of the park in 2025.
The big update: Welcome to Ligia!

Please join me in welcoming Ligia (pronounced lee-hee-ah) to Spectral Web Services! I've known her for years and am delighted to have her on board. She's a talented graphic artist, website designer, UI/UX guru, and more. We were talking over the holidays and concluded that in terms of skill sets, we each had exactly what the other one needed. She's new to Ghost but definitely not new to webdev.
Here's what she says about herself:
I love design most, and finding the right colors, graphics, fonts, and elements to help clients show who they are visually is something I truly enjoy doing. My strengths are design, user experience, and helping clients find the right channels to meet their communications goals.
Spectral Web Services clients can now call on Ligia's skill set in addition to mine. Retainer clients, if you have graphics needs you'd like to work with Ligia on, please let me know and I'll get your request routed over to her.
Ligia also offers marketing strategy sessions, as a separate service. Read all about her on her staff page.
A little New Year's musing
Last year, my spouse bought a six-pack of tiny kale plants, planning to plant them in the back yard. Then he got busy and it didn't happen. At some point, my youngest put one of them into the ground. After the accident, I pretty much forgot it was even there, and watering was mostly whatever the sky brought it.
Somehow, in July (which is definitely too late and too hot for kale), there it was, fully leafed out. Figuring there was no way it'd survive the summer, I picked it down to almost nothing, we had kale with dinner, and then I forgot about it again. Mid fall, there it was again, leafed out and ready to eat again. I picked it back to one leaf. I figured that was it. Nope. It was back in late fall with half a dozen new leaves, and although the temperature is sub-freezing today and there's a ton of ice everywhere, it's still looking green and remarkably happy, all things considered. I guess we'll be eating kale again this spring.
I hope your new year is off to a wonderful start, and that even the small bits of your life that aren't getting your full attention continue to grow and thrive.
