Using Ghost Product Cards for things other than products.
How to make a post with multiple updates (like live news pages have)? I suggested a product card for each update and some CSS wizardry.

There was a question over on the Ghost forum about how to make a post with multiple updates (like live news pages have). I suggested a product card for each update and some CSS wizardry.
Here's an example:
Do you want some introductory text before your updates start? No problem.

Title goes here - or maybe you use this for date?
You can put entire paragraphs in the description. Links? No problem.
No HTML, but bold and italic and underline are available in the editor.
- So are bullets.
Could this solve your problem?

Here's an update about my awesome page rank.
Looks like a good place for some text right here, huh?
Product cards work fine without images, too. (Although some attention to layout is clearly needed.)
You can put entire paragraphs in the description. Links? No problem.
No HTML, but bold and italic and underline are available in the editor.
- So are bullets.
Could this solve your problem?
How'd I move the date? Check this out:
.kg-product-card-description p:first-child {
background: pink;
position: absolute;
top: 0px;
left: 0px;
z-index: 200;
.kg-product-card-container { position: relative;}
Here's what the product cards look like when I build them in the editor:

A little more styling gives a lot of options! Here's another layout option, still just tweaking the CSS: